Romand, D. & M. Le Du (2023). Emotions, Metacognition, and the Intuition of Language Normativity

Romand, D. & M. Le Du (2023). Emotions, Metacognition, and the Intuition of Language Normativity. Theoretical, Epistemological, and Historical Perspectives on Linguistic Feeling. Cham : Palgrave Macmillan, 367 p.

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This book proposes a comprehensive discussion of the issue of linguistic feeling, the subject’s metalinguistic capacity to intuitively apprehend the normative – lexical, syntactic, morphological, phonological… – dimensions of a definite language he or she is acquainted with. The volume’s twelve contributions aim to revisit a concept that, through a fluctuating terminology (“Sprachgefühl,” “sentiment de la langue,” “linguistic intuitions,” etc.), had developed, since the late 18th century, within a variety of cultural contexts and research traditions, and whose theoretical, epistemological, and historical ins and outs had not been systematically explored so far. Beginning with a long opening chapter, the book consists of two parts, one tracing the multifaceted approaches to linguistic feeling from Herder to Wittgenstein, and one offering a representative overview of the debates about the issue at stake in current linguistics and philosophy, while addressing the question of the place of metacognition, normativity, and affectivity in language processes.


Chap.1 :
Introduction : Linguistic Feeling. Revisiting a Concept Between Linguistics, Philosophy of Language, and Affective Science
David Romand
Pages 1-72

Part I : Cross-disciplinary Approaches to Linguistic Feeling from Herder to Wittgenstein

Chap. 2
“What the Germans Call Sprachgefühl.” Sprachgefühl in Early German Linguistics. Selected Examples of Ways of Understanding
Frank Unterberg
Pages 75-102

Chap. 3
Assent, Sentiment and Linguistic Feeling in Jac. van Ginneken’s Psycholinguistics
Lorenzo Cigana
Pages 103-122

Chap. 4
On the Normative Side of Saussure’s “Linguistic Feeling”
Emanuele Fadda
Pages 123-145

Chap. 5
Sapir’s Form-Feeling and its Historical Context
Jean-Michel Fortis
Pages 147-171

Chap. 6
Edward Sapir : Form-Feeling in Language, Culture, and Poetry
Chloé Laplantine
Pages 173-195

Chap. 7
Meaning-Blindness, and Linguistic Feeling : Wittgenstein on How We “Experience” Meaning
Michel Le Du
Pages 197-211

Part II : Current Scientific and Philosophical Perspectives on Linguistic Feeling

Chap. 8
Intuitions in Linguistics : A Blessing or a Curse ?
Els Elffers
Pages 215-241

Chap. 9
The Good, the Bad, and the Yucky : Valenced Linguistic Intuitions and Linguistic Methodology
Jeffrey Maynes
Pages 243-266

Chap. 10
Linguistic Feeling in Real Life and in Linguistics
Ad Foolen
Pages 267-299

Chap. 11
Linguistic Feeling and Grammaticalization : From Concepts to Case Studies
Gilles Siouffi
Pages 301-315

Chap. 12
Linguistic Feeling : A Relational Approach Incorporating Epistemology, Theories of Language, and Human-Machine Interaction
Ulrike M. Lüdtke & Hanna Ehlert
Pages 317-343

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